It is to Peter Randall that we owe the establishment of the NeuroMoves gym in Canberra. In 2015
Peter heard of SCIA (Spinal Cord Injuries Australia) and of the work they were doing to improve the
physical fitness and well-being of those suffering from spinal cord injury. Primarily, SCIA initiated and
ran NeuroMoves gyms in all capitals of Australia. Peter’s wife, Loreign, is a quadriplegic and
mobilises in an electric wheelchair. Peter thought that if Loreign could attend a NeuroMoves gym
she could improve her physical capabilities. For four months Peter drove Loreign twice a week to the
NeuroMoves gym at the Lidcombe Faculty of Health Sciences, Sydney University. This involved a
two-hour drive to Sydney then two hours of hard physical exercise for Loreign, followed by a two-
hour drive back to Canberra. The improvement in Loreign’s physical abilities as well as in her general
well-being was impressive. She stood unaided for the first time since she was injured in 2012. After
four months she was walking short distances in the parallel bars and with her walker. Loreign’s
neuropathic pain, often severe, reduced considerably as did the swelling in her legs and feet. But the
effort of driving to Sydney and back for two and sometimes three sessions a week was very tiring for
both of them.



Mr Peter Randall (Former Chair) at Spinal ACT 2018 AGM 26/05/2018.

Mr Peter Randall (Former Chair) at Spinal ACT 2018 AGM 26/05/2018.

Peter decided to try to persuade SCIA to open a NeuroMoves gym in Canberra.
In 2015 Peter worked tirelessly to persuade Peter Perry, the CEO of SCIA Australia, Peter Murray,
who was responsible for setting up the NeuroMoves gyms, and the physiotherapists and exercise
physiologists to open a NeuroMoves gym in Canberra. He then formed a committee, Spinal ACT,
with eight others and together they worked hard to lobby the ACT government for a start-up grant
of $300,000, which was successful, and to find premises which again was successful. SCIA Australia
strongly supported our efforts, engaged two local exercise physiologists who attended several
training sessions at the NeuroMoves gym in Lidcombe who were supported by physiotherapists from
the Sydney and Melbourne gyms, ordered specialised equipment and set up NeuroMoves Canberra.
With Peter Randall as their founding Chairman the Spinal ACT committee continued to work hard to
ensure a smooth NeuroMoves introduction to Canberra. This is now accomplished. On 28 February,
2018, the committee held an Official Opening of the NeuroMoves Canberra gym. Now those with a
spinal cord injury in Canberra and surrounding areas can benefit from a local facility specifically
suited to their needs.

On 26 May, 2018, Spinal ACT held their Annual General Meeting. Peter Randall retired as Chairman.
This tribute is to thank Peter for his foresight in recognising the extreme need for a specialised gym
for the spinal injured in Canberra and for the tireless effort and hard work he put into making it
happen – originally on his own and then with the committee. Thank you Peter Randall.
